Home Page

Welcome to an exciting year of exploration!

We'll be moving through over a thousand years of literature in the following nine months, stopping periodically to incorporate some business writing and presentation skills. We'll work on our discussion tactics and our understanding of historical texts. In short, we will learn! 

I lost most of you on the thousand years part, didn’t I?  Don’t lose heart! We’re only reading the smallest fraction of the best, funniest, most incisive and relevant texts that have survived. They will help us improve our communication skills, increase our empathy, broaden our horizons and our vocabulary and heighten our mental faculties.

You, as the student, are a major part of this class. I'm glad you're here; I'm excited to see what you will add to the classroom.

Materials and utensils:

As an integral part of the course, I expect you to show up for every class with a notebook, writing utensils, your current text, and your homework finished.
Students will be asked to create a quisqueya.org email as we will be working with google docs this year. 
Students will also be asked to install the free Grammarly browser extension to Chrome and use it as they write papers in google docs.

Class texts:

Hard copies of all full-length texts will be available this year from the library.  I will let you know when you need to check your book out and on what day I expect you to have it with you. Since it will be considered a library book, you will be responsible for returning it in the same condition you found it in. If you feel like the book needs to be covered, ask Ms Bechtel and she will do it for you or give you permission to do it yourself.


If homework is not turned in on the due date a 0 will be placed in the grade book. Students will have up to 4 days to turn in un-excused work but up to 10% will be taken off of the grade. 
Example: The student turns the assignment in 2 days late and receives a 90/100, the grade will be reduced by 10% and the 0 will be replaced with an 80%. 

After the 4th day, it is up to my discretion to accept any late work. I will only accept large assignments and only with the re-assessment policy.

Tests and Essays:

I allow re-assessments for any large body of work. Tests and essay may be reworked but only if the student follows the re-assessment plan. Forms are in the back of the class.


Please review Student Handbook for our policy on plagiarism.  Any plagiarism will result in, at minimum, a zero for the assignement.

Blog - Google classroom:

We're using Sycamore to input grades and assign homework, but most of your homework assignments will have links up to the blog that I’ve created for our class.  We will also be beta testing google classroom this year.


You will have the opportunity to read one book a month of your own choosing. The form and information can be found at the SSR page on the British Literature Blog

Senior Research Paper:

Yes. You do have to write it.
No. It isn't as bad as it sounds.
Yes. It is 20 pages.

You must purchase a double pocket folder for this project
Any work handed in without the folder will not be accepted.

Group Projects:

Each month, a student group will present on a time period. Please make these events entertaining as well as educational. Schedules and information can be found at the Group Project page on the British Literature Blog.


A word of the day will be taught and students will be expected to keep a list of the vocab words. (except Thursdays)

Little Writes:

Please have a section in your notes designated to little writes. I will be collecting them once a semester to grade.
Little writes must have (name, date, quote and LW #) on all entries in order to receive a grade.


Once you’ve read this letter, please go to the quiz assigned to this letter and fill out your response.

I'm excited to start this year out with you. If nothing else, remember this: I am here to help you. Talk to me. Explain what may be bothering you. Let's work as a team.
Under His Mercy

Jennifer Stück

High school English and History.

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