Research Paper

Initial Brainstorming

Detailed Brainstorming
3 Scholarly journals

4 literary sources

Annotated Bibliography created
20 Research cards

Outline  Rubric

You will receive a rubric in class and fill it out for another student's outline. 

  1. share your outline with me on Google Docs
  2. share it with a classmate.  
  3. fill out the rubric for your classmate
  4. post comments on their outline


One on one meeting
Before Finals you will schedule a meeting with me one on one to discuss your outline. 
Outline redone:
Due after Christmas Break.
It should contain all information needed for your paper. All quotes, paraphrases and summaries needed are cited correctly.

3 pg typed
Turn it in via Google Docs. Completion grade only. MLA format.
You do not have to have three pages in consecutive order. They can be three individual pages spread throughout the paper.
Tip: Think of your paper as 5 smaller papers and write one at a time.
Tip: If you are in a good writing mood, keep writing. Exceed the 3 page count. 
7 pg typed
Turn it in via Google Docs. Completion grade only.  MLA format
12 pg typed
Turn it in via Google Docs. Completion grade only. MLA format
15 pg typed
Turn it in via Google Docs. Completion grade only. MLA format
Draft one
20 pages minimum.
MLA format. 
Must be in your folder.
Works Cited/Bibliography attached.

First draft will be graded on content and plagiarism will be highlighted. Any plagiarism found after the first draft will automatically result in a 0 for the paper.

YELLOW: plagiarism
ORANGE: unclear phrasing/more info required
PINK: grammar or spelling error.

A citation or reference every 4-6 lines.
Begin and end a paragraph with a citation or reference.
Long quotes require a special format.
MLA requires no space between paragraphs.
Peer Review
On Google Docs, review an assigned class mate's work.
Comments and corrections must be turned on.
Each page must have at least two changes made.
DO NOT DELETE your reviews until I comment that you may.
Final Draft.
20 pages minimum.
MLA format. 
Must be in your folder.
Works Cited/Bibliography attached.
Video project.

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