Saturday 12 November 2016

Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew

Review the class notes below.
We're reading this play in class by sections. The readings are in the class calendar

In Much Ado About Nothing, we focused on the staging of the play, and how non-verbals change the way the play is understood.

In the Taming of the Shrew, we're focusing on the plot and its construction.  


Full text

Side by Side text (Modern and Shakespeare


Class Notes

Character Chart

Movie version

(This is a 70's version that researched how the play would have been staged in Shakespeare's time. It uses the Comedia del Arte masks we learned about last year)
Watch the play while reading along to help comprehension.

Theory of the Four Humors

Monday 7 November 2016

Assignment: Dance off!

The renaissance valued dance a LOT!
We've already seen how it symbolizes unity and order.
It is often used as a dramatic device - The dance will let you know something about the characters or the plot.

We will have a dance party on November 21st.


  1. Find your groups below.
  2. look through the Dance Manual.
  3. Pick 3 dances from Chapter 2
  4. Send me an email by Nov. 13th with:
    1. names of the three dances
    2. Links to a youtube video with music for each dance (5 minutes at least for each)
  5. Practice the dance.

I will assign each group one dance from their chosen three.

Assigned dances:

Group1 Members: Cuckolds All In A Row
  • Rayna
  • Giovanni
  • Mia
  • Theodore

Group 2 Members: Upon A Summer's Day
  • Marven
  • Noor 
  • Jovenel
  • Brandon
  • Akee
Group 3 Members: Heart's Ease

  •     Neyssa
  • Fahed
  • Carla
  • Daayoung
  • Shelsea

Group 4 Members:  Bransle Cassandra

  • Taylor
  • Heiva
  • Matthis
  • Kelly
  • Marko
Group 5 Members: Korobushka
  • Segev
  • Orlhane
  • Tarek
  • Kiarrah
Group 6 Members: Maltese Bransle
  • Jonathan
  • Stacey
  • Karissa
  • Leila

Thursday 3 November 2016

Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

Full Text:
Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing
Plot Synopsis

Leonato, a kindly, respectable nobleman, lives in the idyllic Italian town of Messina. Leonato shares his house with his lovely young daughter, Hero, his playful, clever niece, Beatrice, and his elderly brother, Antonio (who is Beatrice's father). As the play begins, Leonato prepares to welcome some friends home from a war. The friends include Don Pedro, a prince who is a close friend of Leonato, and two fellow soldiers: Claudio, a well-respected young nobleman, and Benedick, a clever man who constantly makes witty jokes, often at the expense of his friends. Don John, Don Pedro’s illegitimate brother, is part of the crowd as well. Don John is sullen and bitter, and makes trouble for the others.

When the soldiers arrive at Leonato’s home, Claudio quickly falls in love with Hero. Meanwhile, Benedick and Beatrice resume the war of witty insults that they have carried on with each other in the past. Claudio and Hero pledge their love to one another and decide to be married. To pass the time in the week before the wedding, the lovers and their friends decide to play a game. They want to get Beatrice and Benedick, who are clearly meant for each other, to stop arguing and fall in love. Their tricks prove successful, and Beatrice and Benedick soon fall secretly in love with each other.

But Don John has decided to disrupt everyone’s happiness. He has his companion Borachio make love to Margaret, Hero’s serving woman, at Hero’s window in the darkness of the night, and he brings Don Pedro and Claudio to watch. Believing that he has seen Hero being unfaithful to him, the enraged Claudio humiliates Hero by suddenly accusing her of lechery on the day of their wedding and abandoning her at the altar. Hero’s stricken family members decide to pretend that she died suddenly of shock and grief and to hide her away while they wait for the truth about her innocence to come to light. In the aftermath of the rejection, Benedick and Beatrice finally confess their love to one another. Fortunately, the night watchmen overhear Borachio bragging about his crime. Dogberry and Verges, the heads of the local police, ultimately arrest both Borachio and Conrad, another of Don John’s followers. Everyone learns that Hero is really innocent, and Claudio, who believes she is dead, grieves for her.

Leonato tells Claudio that, as punishment, he wants Claudio to tell everybody in the city how innocent Hero was. He also wants Claudio to marry Leonato’s “niece”—a girl who, he says, looks much like the dead Hero. Claudio goes to church with the others, preparing to marry the mysterious, masked woman he thinks is Hero’s cousin. When Hero reveals herself as the masked woman, Claudio is overwhelmed with joy. Benedick then asks Beatrice if she will marry him, and after some arguing they agree. The joyful lovers all have a merry dance before they celebrate their double wedding.